The Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem
With Spring comes an expectation, the promise of new life just around the corner. Flowers push through the ground that has been hard and cold. Birds stretch their wings, ready to fly again into the warm April air. I love the way the promise of new life each Spring echoes the season of expectation we feel every Lent, as we contemplate anew the coming of Christ, our King.
As the days have been marching on towards Holy Week, I have found myself thinking back to the moments I spent last Spring in the Holy Land, walking in the very places Jesus walked during the last week of His life. I haven't felt anything quite as powerful as standing on the Mount of Olives overlooking the city that God chose and loved so dearly.
This Holy Week, I wanted to share some of the images that have been rolling around in my mind and the words on my heart as we contemplate the journey Christ took towards the cross and ready our hearts to celebrate our resurrected King. Palm Sunday On Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem, coming from the Mount of Olives into the Holy City. He entered to the praise of the people, celebrated as a coming King. In a few short days, very different cries would ring through the city, calling for his crucifixtion. Today the side of the mountain overlooking Jerusalem is covered with over 150,000 graves. Jews have been buried on the mountainside for over 3,000 years, believing that when the Messiah comes He will come from the Mount of Olives and the resurrection of the dead will begin there. Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the coming King of Zion. He came humble and riding on a donkey. One week later, He would return....victorious over sin and death!